pandas-read-xml · PyPI · Read XML as pandas dataframe. You will need to identify the path to the "root" tag in the XML from which you want to extract the data. By default, pandas-read-xml will treat the root tag as being the "rows" of the pandas dataframe. If this is not true, pass the argument root_is_rows=False. *Sometimes, the XML structure is such that pandas will ...
pandas-read-xml · PyPI › project › pandas-read-xmlApr 08, 2021 · pip install pandas_read_xml Import package import pandas_read_xml as pdx Read XML as pandas dataframe. You will need to identify the path to the "root" tag in the XML from which you want to extract the data. df = pdx. read_xml ("test.xml", ['first-tag', 'second-tag', 'the-tag-you-want-as-root']) By default, pandas-read-xml will treat the root tag as being the "rows" of the pandas dataframe.