Pysftp trouble on Python3 with redhat : learnpython › r › learnpythonHi, I made a script on a windows machine with pysftp. It runs well. So I put it on a server with redhat. I got this message: AttributeError: module 'pysftp' has no attribute 'CnOpts' I googled a bit and if I understand correctly it is because pysftp is old. I tried, for the first time to use a venv, so i went to that directory/bin do update pysftp
pysftp - PyPI · Now, be default pysftp will verify the host. See pysftp.CnOpts.hostkeys. added pysftp.Connection.remote_server_key - used to retrieve the remote hosts server key. fixed an unwanted logging side-effect, after you set logging, it would remain, even if you closed the .Connection and couldn’t be changed to something else.
pysftp - PyPI › project › pysftpJul 05, 2016 · Now, be default pysftp will verify the host. See pysftp.CnOpts.hostkeys. added pysftp.Connection.remote_server_key - used to retrieve the remote hosts server key. fixed an unwanted logging side-effect, after you set logging, it would remain, even if you closed the .Connection and couldn’t be changed to something else.