09.03.2018 · openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout MOK.priv -outform DER -out MOK.der -nodes -days 36500 -subj "/CN=VMware/" sudo mokutil --import MOK.der. Then reboot and if memory serves you will asked to confirm a change to your boot loader. Essentially you are adding this self created cert to the boot loader.
08.12.2015 · Due to this, VMware drivers, such as vmmon and vmnet, are not able to be loaded which prevents virtual machine to power on. To fix this without turning off secure boot, you can do the following in a terminal to self-sign the drivers: Generate a key pair using the openssl to sign vmmon and vmnet modules:
10.06.2021 · PREF Optional preferences file not found at /home/neo/.vmware/preferences. Using default values. Logging to /tmp/vmware-neo/vmware-24079.log Obtaining info using the running kernel. Created new pathsHash. Setting header path for 5.16.11-1-default to "/lib/modules/5.16.11-1-default/build/include".
01.04.2019 · 解决方案:# modprobe –force-vermagic -a vmw_vmci vmmon. 失败: modprobe: WARNING: Module vmmon not found in directory /lib/modules/4.14.107-1-MANJARO. 解决法案: vmware-modconfig –console –install-all 重构内核失败: [AppLoader] GLib does not have GSettings support.
Dec 21, 2021 · sudo kernelstub -v -k /boot/vmlinuz-5.15.5-76051505-generic -i /boot/initrd.img-5.15.5-76051505-generic. after reboot you will have the old kernel which works perfect with vmware. now you can fix vmmon and vmnet from gui of vmware without any problems and wait for new updates which will fix the problem.
14.12.2017 · # modprobe vmmon modprobe: FATAL: Module vmmon not found in directory /lib/modules/4.14.4-1-ARCH # modprobe vmci modprobe: FATAL: Module vmci not found in directory /lib/modules/4.14.4-1-ARCH # modprobe vmnet ITS IS OK NO ERROR Nothing shows after command means ok
Dec 08, 2015 · Due to this, VMware drivers, such as vmmon and vmnet, are not able to be loaded which prevents virtual machine to power on. To fix this without turning off secure boot, you can do the following in a terminal to self-sign the drivers: Generate a key pair using the openssl to sign vmmon and vmnet modules:
[Debug]VMFusion报错 could not open /dev/vmmon: broken pipe. flink报错 Could not instantiate the executor. Make sure a planner module is on the classpath; Ubuntu18.04下vm workstation pro 15创建虚拟机出现错误:Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory; simplejavamail : Batch module not found, make sure it is on the classpath
Jan 30, 2021 · As a result, the vmmon module is not loaded in the system and this is causing the error you see. There are two ways to resolve the issue: If you do not use Windows, disable "Secure Boot" in the BIOS. If you do use Windows, sign the vmmon kernel module and complete the enrollment from the UEFI console.
30.01.2021 · This error will appear when you start a VM on a system that boots from UEFI with secure boot enabled. Hosts with secure boot enabled will not allow loading of any unsigned drivers. As a result, the vmmon module is not loaded in the system and this is causing the error you see. There are two ways to resolve the issue:
Mar 10, 2018 · Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory. Please make sure that the kernel module `vmmon' is loaded and says failed to initialize . I tried this solution and at the last command got the following error $ sudo mokutil --import MOK.der EFI variables are not supported on this system``
1、加载vmmon模块,命令:modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon 2、如果出现如下警告: modprobe: WARNING: Module vmmon not found in directory /lib/modules/4.18.16-arch1-1-ARCH 3、安装依赖linux-headers,命令:pacman -S linux-headers 4、再执行加载vmmon模块命令,该故障排除。