20.08.2021 · ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keras.engine.topology' This problem happens on my local machine, but also on Google Colab after installing keras_vggface with!pip install keras_vggface python keras google-colaboratory keras-vggface. Share. Improve this question. Follow
Please note that these issues are not related to janggu, but to other packages (tensorflow and keras) and the particular environment and perhaps the google collab's specific settings that you use, which I am not familiar with.
Here, the problem could be with the environment. This could be because the tensorflow module might have been installed in a different environment. Hence, you can resolve this by uninstalling the keras module and installing it back again. Below is the code that will help in installation and uninstallation. $ pip uninstall keras.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keras.engine.topology'. #73. When I try to import keras-vggface in Google Colab I get the error: No module named 'keras.engine.topology'. The same happens on my local machine.
23.07.2021 · Solution 2. Uninstall Keras and reinstall the version 2.2.0 in your system, it will definately work with Tensorflow 2.2. Then you won’t have to downgrade you tensorflow ie. less pain of changing codes 😉. pip uninstall keras pip install Keras==2.2.0. Python.
13.07.2018 · 2. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. In order to import keras.engine you may try using: import tensorflow.python.keras.engine. Note: But from tensorflow.python.keras.engine you cannot import topology. Share. Follow this answer to receive notifications. answered Nov 13 '19 at 11:09.