Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
www.mcdb.iastate.eduThe Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Interdepartmental Graduate Program at Iowa State University is a multidisciplinary major that allows students to explore the mechanisms of life processes in cutting-edge research labs. Our students perform independent research under the guidance of top faculty investigating a diverse range of questions in the sciences of molecular, cellular and developmental biology.
Cell & Molecular Biology | Iowa State University › cell-molecular-biologyResearchers in our department investigate the physiology and pharmacology of cells, protein interaction, relationships between receptors, and viruses at the molecular level. Our molecular genetics lab studies the role of RNA structures and gene splicing in order to correct human genetic diseases. A large portion of our faculty studies molecular and cellular pharmacology, with a focus on identifying nematode response to drugs on ion channels in an attempt to control for disease in animals and ...