Mon, ta, ses, notre, vos, leur - Lawless French Possessive ..., ta, ses, notre, vos, leur - Lawless French Possessive Adjectives My lesson will improve your knowledge of French possessive adjectives, which are used in front of nouns to indicate to whom or what those nouns belong. French lessons and language tools from Laura K Lawless FAQ LF Immersion Mot dujour Progress w/LF Search Subjunctivisor
Adjectif possessif: Adjective Types. How to use Adjectif ... English possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our, and their. French has many more possessive adjectives because they have to agree in number and sometimes gender with their nouns. Singular subjects have three possessive adjectives: masculine, feminine, plural my = mon, ma, mes your = ton, ta, tes his = son, sa, ses
LES ADJECTIFS POSSESSIFS - école de français › 2013 › 10LES ADJECTIFS POSSESSIFS Les adjectifs possessifs s'accordent avec le nom et changent avec le possesseur. Masculin Féminin Pluriel 1ère pers. sg mon ma mes 2ème pers. sg ton ta tes 3ème pers. sg son sa ses 1ère pers. plu notre nos 2ème pers. plu votre vos 3ème pers. plu. leur leurs 1. Compléter avec mon, ma ou mes 2. Compléter avec son ...
Adjectifs possessifs (Mon, Ma, Mes)- membres de famille ... › resource › 1693727MON: père, frère, oncle, grand-père, cousin, MA: mère, soeur, tante, grand-mère, cousine, MES: parents, grands-parents, cousins, cousines.
Mon, ta, ses, notre, vos, leur - Lawless French Possessive ... › grammar › possessive-adjectivesMon, ta, ses, notre, vos, leur - Lawless French Possessive Adjectives My lesson will improve your knowledge of French possessive adjectives, which are used in front of nouns to indicate to whom or what those nouns belong. French lessons and language tools from Laura K Lawless FAQ LF Immersion Mot dujour Progress w/LF Search Subjunctivisor