Possessive adjectives - mon, ma, mes - BBC
https://www.bbc.co.uk › guides › zpspn39 › revisionmy, mon (sac), ma (copine), mon (amie), mes (amis). your (singular, familiar), ton, ta, ton, tes. his, her, its, son, sa, son, ses.
Mon Ma Mes (1st) - French classes
frenchclassesccs.weebly.com › mon-ma-mes-1stMon Ma Mes (1st) You've got to know this folks In French every person place or thing, has a gender. They are either masculine or feminine We know it, by the way that Le / La go in front. Un / Une They could also be plural which means either les / they You've been asked to learn off the chart.. Mon Ma Mes ---- My Ton Ta Tes ---- Your
Notre, nos, votre, vos, leur, leurs = our, your, their ...
https://french.kwiziq.com/revision/grammar/use-notre-nos-votre-vos...Using "mon" rather than "ma" with feminine nouns starting with a vowel or mute h (possessive adjectives) Expressing possession with son, sa, ses and personne, tout le monde, chacun, il faut (possessive adjectives) Using mon, ma, mes, etc with parts of the body (possessive adjectives) Expressing possession with 'de'
Mon, ma, mes; ton, ta, tes; son, sa, ses = my; your - Kwiziq ...
https://french.kwiziq.com › grammarMon, ma, mes; ton, ta, tes; son, sa, ses = my; your; his / her (possessive adjectives) · Related lessons · Find your French level for FREE · Learn ...
Mon, ma, mes; ton, ta, tes; son, sa, ses = my; your; his ...
french.kwiziq.com › revision › grammarUsing "mon" rather than "ma" with feminine nouns starting with a vowel or mute h (possessive adjectives) Expressing possession with son, sa, ses and personne, tout le monde, chacun, il faut (possessive adjectives) Using mon, ma, mes, etc with parts of the body (possessive adjectives) Expressing possession with 'de'
Possessive adjectives-French
www.tolearnfrench.com › cgi2 › myexamThe Possessive Adjectives can be divided into 3 groups - one for each group of grammatical person. (1) My/Our: mon, ma, mes nos, notre. (2) Your: ton, ta, tes, vos, votre. (3) He/She/It/Their: son, sa, ses, leur, leurs. The gender and number of the object possessed determine which form to use . We use (mon, ma, mes, nos, notre) to refer to our ...
Adjectifs possessifs (accord) - francaisfacile.com
https://www.francaisfacile.com/cgi2/myexam/voir2.php?id=4164Accord de l'adjectif possessif.. Les adjectifs possessifs. mon, ton, son, ma, ta, sa, notre, votre, leur, mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs. Sont des déterminants. Ils indiquent que le nom a une relation avec une personne grammaticale . Celui qui parle de lui dira (mon, ma, mes, nos, notre)Celui à qui l’on parle vous répondra (ta, votre, tes, vos)Celui dont on parle on dira (sa, leur, ses ...