Essential Phrasal Verbs - › wp-content › uploadsThe phrasal verbs are listed in topic areas to make them easier to learn and remember. For each phrasal verb I show you how to use them, and there's also an example sentence. Important: How we use phrasal verbs There are 4 types of phrasal verbs. You need to know the type of phrasal verb in order to use it correctly. 1. Phrasal verb with no object
Most common Phrasal Verbs PDF - MechMass › uploads › 2021Most common Phrasal Verbs PDF 5 Back up: to support, to sustain He is always ready to back up his friends, 6 Beat back: to push back The Army beat back the terrorist in 1965. 7 Blind in: Unable to see I am blind in one eye. 8 Boil over: If a liquid boils over, it flows over the side of container.