The Most Difficult English Word Pronounce Colonel. Penguin. Sixth. Isthmus. Anemone. Squirrel. Choir. Worcestershire. Consequently, what the most difficult word English follow our article confusing words, here are ten...
16.11.2021 · English can be a real pest, and even native speakers find themselves stumbling over some stubbornly tricky words. Here are the 10 most difficult ones.
11.09.2021 · Difficult Words to Pronounce in English. Want to know the hardest word? Here are the most difficult words to pronounce in English: Otorhinolaryngologist: oh-toh-RYE-noh-LAR-ən-GOL-ə-jee; Anemone: uh·neh·muh·nee; Anathema: uh·na·thuh·muh; Worcestershire: vu·stuh·shuh; Balmoral: bal·maw·ruhl; Antidisestablishmentarianism: …
Sep 30, 2012 · in list order from A to Z from Z to A from easy to hard from hard to easy. abject. of the most contemptible kind. aberration. a state or condition markedly different from the norm. abjure. formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief. abnegation. the denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief.
Likewise, what is the most misused word in the English language? That's a tough claim to prove, but it's clear that confusion over the definition of irony is persistent, and decades old. “Irony” makes Harvard linguist Steven Pinker's list of the 58 most commonly misused words in English , and ranks in the top 1 percent of all word lookups on Merriam-Webster's online dictionary.
27.09.2019 · Ebullient – cheerful and full of energy (one of the most difficult English words) Egregious – outstandingly bad. Fallacious – based on a mistaken belief. Fatuous – silly and pointless. Fetter – a chain used to restrain a prisoner. Garrulous – excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.
Sep 27, 2019 · Debacle – a sudden failure. Debunk – expose the falseness of an idea or belief. Defunct – no longer existing. Demagogue – a political agitator. Eclectic –deriving ideas from a broad range of sources. Ebullient – cheerful and full of energy (one of the most difficult English words) Egregious – outstandingly bad.
Explore the Words · abject. of the most contemptible kind · aberration. a state or condition markedly different from the norm · abjure. formally reject or disavow ...
12.06.2019 · The Most Difficult English Words. 1. Onomatopoeia. Okay, so this is a difficult one even for English people. One of our Instagram followers, Abdulla from UAE, chose this as one of the trickiest English words because of the multiple vowel sounds, and we have to agree! Pronounced: Ono-mato-pee-ah. 2.
7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say · 7. Rural · 6. Sixth · 5. Sesquipedalian · 4. Phenomenon · 3. Onomatopoeia · 2.
06.03.2021 · 50 Difficult Words With Meaning in English: Well, we all have at least once gone through the examinations where an enhanced vocabulary plays a vital role. Even in prominent examinations like TOEFL and others, this is something that matters a lot, and this is a significant reason behind understanding and learning some difficult words with their meanings.
29.08.2020 · What makes a word hard to pronounce? Often times the difficult words to pronounce for non-native English speakers are those that are spelled completely different from how they are pronounced. Not all English words are pronounced phonetically. When a word is pronounced phonetically, it is pronounced how it is spelled.