22.12.2021 · Veeam Backup & Replication uses this mount point when the restore process starts and allows you to browse the VM file system and restore files. Veeam Backup & Replication console. Veeam Backup & Replication uses this mount point only if you instruct Veeam Backup & Replication to mount VM disks there.
You can use Microsoft Windows File Explorer to work with restored files and folders: On the ribbon of the Veeam Backup browser, click Mount to Console to mount ...
When you restore files from storage snapshots, Veeam Backup & Replication uses one mount point on the backup server or Veeam Backup & Replication console ...
25.11.2021 · The mount point is created on the mount server linked to the repository on which backups are stored. Therefore, it will go through Veeam B&R server only if it plays a role of the mount server for repository. The mount point will be created on the console if you instruct Veeam B&R explicitly to mount disks there using "Mount to console" button.
08.11.2021 · As the Veeam host itsels is not part of any domain, using robocopy or explorer to a FLR mounted on the backup server gives all kind of authentication issues. In the past (pre v10 that is) the FLR was mounted on the console machine by default, at least in our setup. And that's the way we want it. So I want to push my request again.
08.06.2021 · Veeam Mount Service mounts backups and replicas for file-level access, browsing the guest file system and restoring guest OS files and application items. Veeam Data Mover handles traffic. Veeam vPower NFS Service (if you enable it when configuring the mount server). For more information, see Veeam vPower NFS Service. Requirements for Mount Servers
06.10.2011 · Starting with Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 U4, access to the NFS Share is restricted so that it is only accessible by the ESXi host during restore operations. When testing the manual mounting of the vPower NFS Datastore, the IP Authorization system must be disabled to allow the inbound connection from the ESXi host to the Mount Server.
07.12.2018 · I'm willing to mount a "virtual disk" over a certain restore point with general access so users can read it in order to make they own selection of files they wish to copy from themselves. All I see are options to restore to new VMs (on our or on cloud infra), restoring entire disk to another location, or recovering individual files/foldes from a veeam restore session.
08.06.2021 · Veeam Mount Service mounts backups and replicas for file-level access, browsing the guest file system and restoring guest OS files and application items. Veeam Data Mover handles traffic. Veeam vPower NFS Service (if you enable it when configuring the mount server). For more information, see Veeam vPower NFS Service. Requirements for Mount Servers
22.12.2021 · Veeam Backup & Replication Console. Mount server (if the mount server is not located on the console) TCP. 2500 to 3300 1. Default range of ports used as data transmission channels. For every TCP connection that a job uses, one port from this range is assigned.
21.04.2021 · During mounting, Veeam Mount Service retrieves a VM file system from the backup file, attaches it to the hard drive of a target machine and creates a mount point. Mounting is done as follows: To mount a VM file system on machines with the Microsoft Windows operating system, Veeam uses the iSCSI protocol.
Veeam Backup & Replication Console Permissions. When you open the Veeam Backup & Replication console for the first time or after a cumulative patch is installed on the backup server, you must run the console under an account with the local Administrator permissions on the machine where the console is installed.