Segment – Medviso - Medical software solutions includes a broad range of analysis tools for MRI, CT and Myocardial perfusion SPECT images. The software package can also be used for a wide range of Radiology and Cardiology applications. Segment is developed by Medviso in collaboration with Lund Cardiac MR group at Lund University.
http://www.itksnap.orgITK-SNAP is a software application used to segment structures in 3D medical images. It is the product of a decade-long collaboration between Paul Yushkevich ...
Download – Medviso is research software package for image analysis of MRI, CT and SPECT. It is freely available for research purposes provided that you cite relevant publications and the usage of the software in your publications according to here. Commercial products (login) Segment CMR: clinical software for cardiovascular MR analysis.
Software – BioMedIA which performs whole-brain segmentation of a T1-weighted magnetic resonance brain image. The MALP-EM pipeline includes bias correction, brain extraction, label propagation using multiple atlases, label fusion and finally label refinement using the EM algorithm.
Harvard University - FreeSurfer software suite
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.eduFreeSurfer Software Suite An open source software suite for processing and analyzing (human) brain MRI images. Skullstripping Image Registration Subcortical Segmentation Cortical Surface Reconstruction Cortical Segmentation Cortical Thickness Estimation Longitudinal Processing fMRI Analysis Tractography FreeView Visualization GUI