Kong Harald - DarioMisty
dariomisty.blogspot.com › 2022 › 03Mar 24, 2022 · Kong Harald is an expedition cruise ship which was brought to sercive by Hurtigruten in 1993 and modernised in 2016. Ms kong harald tromsø norway. The vessel is en route to the port of Bergen Norway sailing at a speed of 134 knots and expected to arrive there on Mar 22 1345. KONG HARALD length overall LOA is 1218 m beam is 234 m.
Kong Harald - DarioMisty
https://dariomisty.blogspot.com/2022/03/kong-harald.html24.03.2022 · Kong Harald is an expedition cruise ship which was brought to sercive by Hurtigruten in 1993 and modernised in 2016. Ms kong harald tromsø norway. The vessel is en route to the port of Bergen Norway sailing at a speed of 134 knots and expected to arrive there on Mar 22 1345. KONG HARALD length overall LOA is 1218 m beam is 234 m.
MS Kong Harald - Hurtigruten
https://www.hurtigruten.no/skip/ms-kong-haraldMS Kong Harald ble renovert i 2016 og har i dag et moderne arktisk-inspirert interiør. Om bord finner du tre restauranter, Multe bakeri og iskrembar, en badstue og et treningsrom. Ute på dekk kan du nyte utsikten fra et av de to boblebadene. Foran i skipet kan du ta deg en drink i den komfortable baren.