DS «Nordstjernen» – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/DS_«Nordstjernen»For hurtigruteskipet fra 1956 med samme navn, se MS «Nordstjernen».DS «Nordstjernen» var et hurtigruteskip som ble overlevert Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab(BDS) i juni 1937. Skipet var byggnummer 282 ved Fredrikstad mekaniske verksted og kostet litt over 1,9 millioner kroner. DS «Nordstjernen» gikk i fast rotasjon i hurtigruten i perioden 1937 til 1954. I sept…
Our Ships | Hurtigruten
www.hurtigruten.co.uk › our-shipsSince 1893, the Hurtigruten ships have been a hallmark of the Norwegian coast.Today, our ships sail to the Arctic and Antarctica, and many destinations in between. On each ship you will find modern facilities carefully blended with true character.
MS Nordstjernen - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS_NordstjernenMS Nordstjernen (Norwegian: "The North Star") is a vessel constructed in Hamburg, Germany in 1956, and used on the Hurtigruten coastal service until 2012. It was the oldest operational ship in the Hurtigruten fleet at the time of its withdrawal, and is the ship with the longest history of Hurtigruten service. In 2012, she was protected as a national heritage in Norway.