FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions | MSC Cruises
www.msccruisesusa.com › faqOur Asian restaurant offers authentic Japanise, Chinese and Thai dishes in a informal atmosphere. A tempting range of oriental cuisine including nigiri, sashimi, maki, temaki, dim sum, dumplings, rolls, wonton, noodles, shrimps and chicken satay, Pad Thai and much more.
Kreuzfahrten & Schiffsreisen buchen | MSC Cruises
www.msccruises.deMit MSC Cruises im Mittelmeer unterwegs zu sein, bedeutet, das Beste aus Kultur, Tradition und Denkmälern zu entdecken, die seit Jahrhunderten die Küste bereichern. Diese Kreuzfahrt bietet die Möglichkeit, Länder und Menschen kennenzulernen, die mit dem Meer und seiner tausendjährigen Geschichte eng verflochten sind.
MSC Cruises | MSC
https://www.msc.com/msc-cruisesMSC Cruises feels a deep responsibility towards the sea as well as all other physical and human environments in which it operates. The Company operates with the greatest respect for the world’s oceans and is on an ongoing journey to further develop innovative ways of continuously lowering the environmental impact of its operations.
Om MSC Cruises | MSC Cruises
https://www.msccruises.no/om-ossMSC Cruises er verdens største privateide cruiserederi, og er en ledende aktør i Europa, Sør-Amerika og Sør-Afrika. Skipene våre seiler hele året i Middelhavet og Karibia, og sesongrutene omfatter Nord-Europa, Sør-Amerika, Sør-Afrika, Kina, Dubai, Abu Dhabi og Qatar.. Selskapet har vokst med 800 % siden 2004, og hadde i 2017 to millioner passasjerer og solide finansielle …