Multivariate Newton-Raphson - Alentus › programs › MathI was motivated to explore the multivariate Newton-Raphson method by my previous work on Point from 4 Sensors. which defines distance equations for sensors (or satellites) with known locations to define the location of a target (or GPS receiver). For demo purpose, the equations in the current program are limited to quadratic polynomials with 4 or fewer independent variables although it could certainly be extended to more complex types.
Newton-Raphson Method (Multivariate) › e176 › lecturesIn the Newton-Raphson method, two main operations are carried out in each iteration: (a) evaluate the Jacobian matrix and (b) obtain its inverse . To avoidthese expensive computation for these operations, we can consider usingBroyden's method, one of the quasi-Newton methods, which approximates the inverse of the Jacobian from the in the previous iterationstep, so that it can be updated iteratively from the initial.