My Future activity types . Show activities that are part of a contest . 1 - 24 of 429 results . Sort by Most Popular . At Home Activities . Goodnight with Dolly . Future Forward . 0 /4 . READ MORE . Visual Arts . Creating a Composition . Composition . 0 /3 . READ MORE . Lyricism 101 . Everything Is Poetry Session 6 . Storyteller . 0 /8 . READ MORE ...
My Future › activitiesShow activities that are part of a contest . 1 - 24 of 429 results . Sort by Most Popular . Lyricism 101 . ... Future Forward . 0 /4 . READ MORE . Computer Science .
My Future › activitiesActivities. Select programs. Select badges. Select program areas. Select age groups. Select activity types. Show activities that are part of a contest. At Home Activities.
TU/e My Future
https://myfuture.tue.nlMyFuture provides an overview of the activities, organized by TU/e affiliated parties, that best suit your needs and ambitions. Take charge of your career ...
My Future Activities - TU/e Education Guide › my-future-activitiesMy Future Activities. MyFuture Activities are career orientational activities which a student can attend. These range from lunch lectures to case contests to company visits and are aimed at giving a student a clear overview of where they can work and what they can do when they are finished with their studies. Starting in the academic year of 2020-2021, MyFuture Activities are a mandatory component within all TU/e's Bachelor’s programs.
My Future › activitiesActivities. Select programs. Select badges. Select program areas. Select age groups. Select activity types. Show activities that are part of a contest. Lyricism 101.
TU/e My Future › myfuture-activitiesStarting this academic year, the TU/e has implemented the so called “MyFuture Activities” (MFA). These activities are career orientational activities which you as a student can attend. These range from lunch lectures to case contests to company visits and are aimed at giving you as a student a clear overview of where you can work and what you can do when you are finished with your studies.
My Future › activitiesActivities. 1 selected. Select badges. Select program areas. Select age groups. Select activity types. Show activities that are part of a contest. • Programs:
TU/e My Future remaining five can be obtained by participating in MyFuture Activities of your own choice. These can all be found here, on If you have any questions, please contact your study association or study advisor. Different career activities yield different values of MFA.