StructType - Apache Spark › spark › sqlStructType (fields: Seq [StructField]) For a StructType object, one or multiple StructField s can be extracted by names. If multiple StructField s are extracted, a StructType object will be returned. If a provided name does not have a matching field, it will be ignored. For the case of extracting a single StructField, a null will be returned.
Pyspark StructType is not defined › discuss › 167269Answer #2: from pyspark.sql.types import StructType. That would fix it but next you might get NameError: name 'IntegerType' is not defined or NameError: name 'StringType' is not defined .. To avoid all of that just do: from pyspark.sql.types import *. Alternatively import all the types you require one by one:
Pyspark StructType is not defined'm trying to struct a schema for db testing, and StructType apparently isn't working for some reason. I'm following a tut, and it doesn't import any extra module. < type 'exceptions.NameError' >, NameError("name 'StructType' is not defined",), <traceback object at 0x2b555f0 >) I'm on spark 1.4.0, and Ubuntu 12 if that has anything to do with ...