07.07.2021 · Setup failed for cloud: Unable to import component: No module named 'av' - in 2021.7.0 Core #52644 IgorAga opened this issue Jul 7, 2021 · …
15.01.2019 · Unable to import module 'app': No module named 'requests' END RequestId: c195948c-81dc-44de-a3d6-c9f6ddcca32c {"errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'app'"} REPORT RequestId: c195948c-81dc-44de-a3d6-c9f6ddcca32c Duration: 15 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 27 MB
In Python “ImportError: cannot import name” error generally occurs when the imported class is not accessible, or the imported class is in a circular ...
13.10.2018 · I am trying to upload a python lambda function with zipped dependencies but for some reason I am constantly getting "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'CreateThumbnail'" whenever I test it. Here are the steps I took which were almost identical to these docs. 1.
Verify the name of the class in the python file, correct the name of the class in the import statement. This could be due to spelling incorrectly in the import ...
26.07.2021 · Create a python folder: $ mkdir python. 5. Install the aws-xray-sdk library files into the python folder: $ pip3 install -t python/ aws-xray-sdk. Note: Replace the aws-xray-sdk example library with the name of the Python library that you want to import. 6. Zip the contents of the python folder into a layer.zip file: $ zip -r layer.zip python.
You have circular dependent imports. physics.py is imported from entity before class Ent is defined and physics tries to import entity that is already ...
12.10.2020 · The first one is AWSLambda-Python38-SciPy1x provided by AWS with numpy, while the second one is the one we created above. So your function will use two layers. Test the layer in lambda using the following lambda function: import json from instabot import Bot def lambda_handler (event, context): # TODO implement bot = Bot (base_path='/tmp ...
24.06.2021 · Unable to import module 'lambda': No module named 'paramiko' - STACKOOM. I have a python lambda function, which will ssh into an ec2 instance and execute few linux commands related to Elastic Search. My lambda function is : import boto3 import paramiko def worker_handler (event, context): s3_client = boto3.client ('s3') #Download private key ...
I had the same problem: script with import colorama was throwing and ImportError, but sudo pip install colorama was telling me "package already installed".. My fix: run pip without sudo: pip install colorama.Then pip agreed it needed to be installed, installed it, and my script ran. My environment is Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit; I think I saw this before and after I activated my virtualenv.
Unable to import module ‘lambda_function’: No module named ‘lambda_function’ To reiterate, my file is named lambda_function.py and contains a function called lambda_handler, which accepts two arguments (as seen above). This information matches that seen in Handler, also seen above. I am using a Mac computer, if that matters. UPDATE 2