Oslo | euronext.com
https://www.euronext.com/en/markets/osloOslo Børs has a license as a regulated market from the Norwegian Ministry of Finance pursuant to section 11.1 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and operates two such regulated markets. In addition, Oslo Børs operates one multilateral trading facility pursuant to section 9.8 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Oslo | euronext.com
www.euronext.com › en › marketsOslo Børs has a license as a regulated market from the Norwegian Ministry of Finance pursuant to section 11.1 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and operates two such regulated markets. In addition, Oslo Børs operates one multilateral trading facility pursuant to section 9.8 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Oslo | euronext.com
https://www.euronext.com/nb/markets/oslo19/05/2020. Following the acquisition of Oslo Børs by Euronext in June 2019, and as communicated previously, the Oslo Børs Derivatives Market will migrate onto the Euronext trading platform Optiq on 30 November 2020. The migration will also include a change of Derivatives CCP from SIX x-clear AG to LCH SA.