NEL – Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok
https://legehandboka.noVi i NEL følger utviklingene innen e-helse tett. NHI har nylig nådd en viktig milepæl ved å signere en samarbeidsavtale med Helseplattformen. Dersom ditt legesenter bestemmer seg for å anskaffe HP som journalsystem, er altså NEL inkludert!
Nel ASA – Wikipedia im Jahr 1927 gegründete Unternehmen NEL AS installierte im gleichen Jahr seinen ersten Elektrolyseur in einer Fabrik von Norsk Hydro in Notodden, Norwegen. Im Oktober 2014 unterzeichnete der Pharma Konzern Diagenic ASA eine Absichtserklärung, die Firma NEL Hydrogen AS zu kaufen, welche die norwegische Finanzaufsichtsbehörde genehmigte. Diagenic erwarb hierauf 100 % aller NEL Aktien durch Barzahlung und Gegenleistungsaktien. Die…
Nel ASA - Wikipedia ASA is a Norwegian company founded in 1998 and based in Oslo. Nel is a global company providing solutions for the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Nel is listed in the OBX Index of the Oslo Stock Exchange. As of March 2020, the largest shareholder is Clearstream Banking S.A. with a stake of 44.81%.
Nel ASA - Wikipedia › wiki › Nel_ASANel ASA is a Norwegian company founded in 1998 and based in Oslo. Nel is a global company providing solutions for the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Nel is listed in the OBX Index of the Oslo Stock Exchange. As of March 2020, the largest shareholder is Clearstream Banking S.A. with a stake of 44.81%.