Neuropsychopharmacology - Wikipedia, an interdisciplinary science related to psychopharmacology (how drugs affect the mind) and fundamental neuroscience, is the study of the neural mechanisms that drugs act upon to influence behavior. It entails research of mechanisms of neuropathology, pharmacodynamics (drug action), psychiatric illness, and states of consciousness. These studies are instigated at the detailed level involving neurotransmission/receptor activity, bio-chemicalpro…
8904907 - NLM Catalog Result Abbreviation: Neuropsychopharmacology Title(s): Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Publication Start Year: 1987 Publication End Year: Frequency: Twelve no. a year Country of Publication: England Publisher: [New York, NY] : Elsevier, ...
https://www.ecnp.euECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology 2022: apply now! Early career child and adolescent psychiatrists can now submit an application ...