New Mexico State Flag | US Flags › new-mexico-state-flagFlags Unlimited offers the New Mexico flag in several sizes and materials. From 4"x6" up to 12'x18'. Flags are available in durable nylon and strong polyester2 material. We also offer complete indoor flag sets with an 8' pole! The New Mexico state flag is only one of four U.S. state flags that does not contain the color blue and the only one out of these four that does not contain the color white.
New Mexicos flagg – Wikipedia Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi New Mexicos flagg New Mexicos flagg er gult med et rødt solsymbol i midten. Solsymbolet stammer fra Zia-Pueblo -indianernes kultur. Fargene, gult og rødt, er Spanias flaggfarger og er valgt for å minne om at de første europeisk utforskerne i området var spanske. Flagget er i størrelsesforholdet 2:3.
Flag of New Mexico - Wikipedia flag of the U.S. state of New Mexico consists of a red sun symbol of the Zia people on a field of gold (yellow), and was officially introduced in 1925. It was designed in 1920, to highlight the state's Native American Pueblo and Nuevo México Hispano roots. The symbology is designed to represent the Puebloans and the colors of the flag of Spain.