Best Starting Zone? :: New World General Discussions › app › 1063730So between the 4 starting zones. Iam wondering what everyone's preferences on them are. I started out in First Light, and while the zone as a whole seems pretty good for resources, however all the heavy concentrations of resources seem to be far away from the settlement and possibly even more important all the faction quests seem to spawn far from the settlement as well so it makes running ...
How to Change your Starter Zone - New World › new-world-walkthrough-guideAfter you have created a character in New World you will be placed into a starting area, these low-level starting locations include Monarch's Bluffs, Windsward, Firstlight, or Everfall. The chances of you and your friends being thrown into the same area is unlikely, this How to Change your Starter Zone in New World guide will tell you what you need to do to join up with your friends if you plan on playing with them.