newrelic - PyPI · The New Relic Python Agent is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. The New Relic Python Agent also uses source code from third-party libraries. You can find full details on which libraries are used and the terms under which they are …
newrelic · PyPI › project › newrelicNov 11, 2021 · New Relic APM is the only tool you’ll need to see everything in your Python application, from the end user experience to server monitoring. Trace problems down to slow database queries, slow 3rd party APIs and web services, caching layers, and more. Monitor your app in a production environment and make sure your app can stand a big spike in ...
Python message queues | New Relic Documentation › docs › apmThe Python agent supports the Pika RabbitMQ client library, giving you visibility into the performance of your message processing, for both incoming and outgoing messages. The New Relic UI will show transactions initiated via RabbitMQ message receipt (subscribe/consume messages) as Message background tasks.
Python agent | New Relic Documentation › docs › apmNew Relic for Python monitors your Python application to help you identify and solve performance issues.You can also extend your performance monitoring to collect and analyze business data to help you improve the customer experience and to make data-driven business decisions.