Numerical Methods calculators's Forward Difference formula 3. Newton's Backward Difference formula 4. Newton's Divided Difference formula 5. Lagrange's formula 6. Stirling's formula 7. Bessel's formula 4.2 Numerical Differentiation first order and second order using 1. 2 point Forward, Backward, Central difference formula 2. 3 point Forward, Backward, Central ...
Newton's Divided Difference Interpolation Formula ... · Divided differences are symmetric with respect to the arguments i.e independent of the order of arguments. so, f[x 0, x 1]=f[x 1, x 0] f[x 0, x 1, x 2]=f[x 2, x 1, x 0]=f[x 1, x 2, x 0] By using first divided difference, second divided difference as so on .A table is formed which is called the divided difference table. Divided difference table: