The Newton Polynomial Interpolation › e176 › lecturesDue to the uniqueness of the polynomial interpolation, this Newtoninterpolation polynomial is the same as that of the Lagrange and thepower function interpolations: . They are the same nth degree polynomial but expressed in terms of different basispolynomials weighted by different coefficients. We can now consider some important facts all related to the Newtonpolynomial interpolation.
Newton's identities - Wikipedia's_identitiesIn mathematics, Newton's identities, also known as the Girard–Newton formulae, give relations between two types of symmetric polynomials, namely between power sums and elementary symmetric polynomials. Evaluated at the roots of a monic polynomial P in one variable, they allow expressing the sums of the k-th powers of all roots of P (counted with their multiplicity) in terms of the coefficients of P, without actually finding those roots. These identities were found by Isaac N…
Newton’s interpolation polynomial - › mathematics › interpolationfunction[P]=newton(X,Y)//X nodes,Y values;P is the numerical Newton polynomial n=length(X);// n is the number of nodes. (n-1) is the degree for j=2:n, for i=1:n-j+1,Y(i,j)=(Y(i+1,j-1)-Y(i,j-1))/(X(i+j-1)-X(i));end, end, x=poly(0,"x"); P=Y(1,n); for i=2:n, P=P*(x-X(i))+Y(i,n-i+1); end endfunction;
Newton polynomial - Wikipedia › wiki › Newton_polynomialIn the mathematical field of numerical analysis, a Newton polynomial, named after its inventor Isaac Newton, is an interpolation polynomial for a given set of data points. The Newton polynomial is sometimes called Newton's divided differences interpolation polynomial because the coefficients of the polynomial are calculated using Newton's divided differences method.