The Newton-Raphson Method › ~anstee › math1042.2 A Geometric Interpretation of the Newton-Raphson It-eration In the picture below, the curve y= f(x) meets the x-axis at r.Letabe the current estimate of r. The tangent line to y= f(x)atthepoint(a;f(a)) has equation y= f(a)+(x−a)f0(a): Let bbe thex-intercept of the tangent line. Then b= a− f(a) f0(a): 2
Newton-Raphson Technique › 10 › Webf(x) = f(x0)+ f'(x0)(x-x0) + 1/2f''(x0)(x-x0)2+ ... = 0. (5) where f'(x) denotes the first derivative of f(x)with respect to x, f''(x) is the second derivative,and so forth. Now, suppose the initial guess is pretty close to the realroot.
Newton's method - Wikipedia's_methodNewton's method can be used to find a minimum or maximum of a function f(x). The derivative is zero at a minimum or maximum, so local minima and maxima can be found by applying Newton's method to the derivative. The iteration becomes: An important application is Newton–Raphson division, which can be used to quickly find the reciprocalof a number a, using only multiplication and subtraction, that is to say the number x suc…