Choosing to use MySQL / MariaDB, PostgreSQL, or Oracle as your database requires ... The database tables will be created by Nextcloud when you login for the ...
Now you need to create a database user and the database itself by using the MySQL command line interface. The database tables will be created by Nextcloud when you login for the first time. To start the MySQL command line mode use: mysql -uroot -p. Then a mysql> or MariaDB [root]> prompt will appear.
Using the database.xml schema file is deprecated. You should migrate to using Database Migrations. Nextcloud uses a database abstraction layer on top of ...
Hi, as I described in a further post (, a mariadb table of the nextcloud ...
First disabled and removed the released Maps app using the Nextcloud interface. Then logged into my server's mysql server and ran the commands from #568 provided by @localjo here. Then downloaded nightly build 0.1.9-8, extracting it into the ../nextcloud/apps/ directory, then chown -R www-data:www-data ./maps. The maps app should then show up in the Nextcloud interface, …
13.10.2018 · nextcloud-bot commented on Oct 13, 2018. thinks possibly related issues are #410 (Birthday calendar not generated for shared contacts), #758 (drop old calendar and contacts tables), #3003 (Disable birthday contacts calendar generation for user), #1662 (Calendar and Contacts Trashbin), and #2859 (Tables aren’t re-created when re ...
Use external database as a source for Nextcloud users and groups. Retrieve the users and groups info. Allow the users to change their passwords. Sync the users' email addresses with the addresses stored by Nextcloud. Getting Started SSH into your server. Get into the apps folder of your Nextcloud installation, for example /var/www/nextcloud/apps.