Install – Nextcloud all-in-one image. Nextcloud GmbH maintains an easy all-in-one Docker image. It does not support the wide range of options of the community image, but is easy to install and maintain. Get Docker image. Snap package.
Nextcloud - Official Image | Docker Hub › _ › nextcloudFirst use. When you first access your Nextcloud, the setup wizard will appear and ask you to choose an administrator account username, password and the database connection. For the database use db as host and nextcloud as table and user name. Also enter the password you chose in your docker-compose.yml file.
Nextcloud - Official Image | Docker Hub Nextcloud installation and all data beyond what lives in the database (file uploads, etc.) are stored in the unnamed docker volume volume /var/www/html. The docker daemon will store that data within the docker directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/.... That means your data is saved even if the container crashes, is stopped or deleted.
Install Nextcloud In Docker › install-nextcloud-in-dockerDec 26, 2021 · Guide for installing Nextcloud on a Synology NAS using docker I usually don’t use alot of words so I will try to keep this guide simple and focus on the steps neccessary to setup the nextcloud and mariadb instances. For this to work you will need a Synology NAS (plus model) with the docker package installed. Nextcloud Docker Compose.