I've been using PHP-FPM with Nextcloud for quite awhile (Apache2 installation). I was very surprised at how much improvement there was in responsiveness by simply modifying the servers/child processes for FPM. There are many guides out there for replacing mod_php with php-fpm, so I won't retread that ground, but all I changed was:
18.01.2020 · Nextcloud team suggests Apache for better compatibility. Nextcloud is the successor of the Owncloud and Owncloud mainly developed for the Apache Web Server. But now Nextcloud also documented Nginx Web Server Configuration with PHP-FPM. So now, we can easily configure Nextcloud with Nginx Server.
16.12.2019 · bkraul December 17, 2019, 12:00pm #8. Have tried both apache and nginx implementations of Nextcloud (and previously ownCloud). Nginx is a number of degrees faster than apache. But, having used apache for years, I know configuration and deployment is much easier. The current situation is regrettable.
The apache tag contains a full Nextcloud installation including an apache web server. It is designed to be easy to use and gets you running pretty fast. This is also the default for the latest tag and version tags that are not further specified. The second option is a fpm container.
07.09.2017 · Enable PHP Opcache One of the memory caches that NextCloud supports is PHP OPcache. For best results, any NextCloud server should have this enabled by adding the following parameters to your 10-opcache.ini file (found under your /etc/php directory such as /etc/php/7.0/fpm/conf.d/10-opcache.ini) opcache.enable=1 opcache.enable_cli=1
01.08.2021 · However php-fpm/nextcloud should have some problems because nginx and mariadb don’t have. Then I decided to create my own php-fpm/nextcloud environment. ... I didn’t compare both result between apache/modphp and nginx/php-fpm using ab or other benchmark utility. I rushed explaining and didn’t dive deep.
18.01.2019 · The 7.3-fpm-stretch variant contains just PHP FPM, while 7.3-apache-stretch contains also Apache httpd server and PHP configured as Apache module. If you want to use PHP as Apache module, the apache variant may be suited for you. If you want to use for example nginx or you just want to have FPM, you need the fpm variant. Share Improve this answer
Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync & communication app platform. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars and communicate & collaborate across your devices. You decide what happens with your data, where it is and who can access it! 17.3k Members 128 Online Created Jun 2, 2016
docker run -d \ -v nextcloud:/var/www/html \ nextcloud ... At first, make sure you have chosen the right base image (fpm or apache) and added features you ...
02.11.2021 · Before we begin talking about how to install NextCloud on Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache (Lamp Stack), let’s briefly understand – What NextCloud is? NextCloud is a client-server software suite for creating and using file hosting services. It shares its operations and concepts with Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. The major difference is the price.