'defaultapp' => 'dashboard,files', Set the default app to open on login. Use the app names as they appear in the URL after clicking them in the Apps menu, such as documents, calendar, and gallery. You can use a comma-separated list of app names, so if the first app is not enabled for a user then Nextcloud will try the second one, and so on.
When I look in my nextcloud log for lines with dav or DAV the user is just my login name. To prevent any confusion, is it possible to look up the webflow_user and the dav_user that are used with version 3.3.0, in for example the nextcloud logfile? 3.3.1 works for me at windows. Where is the configuration file stored at windows?
Check your config.php; I think your nextcloud write in syslog. Change it in nextcloud.log and then its works. “log_type” => “nextcloud”, “logfile” = ...
08.01.2019 · I installed nextcloud yesterday and I don't know the exact mechanism how nextcloud operates, so I made my own "stupid" patch for this problem and in my case this seems work. I deleted that HTTPonly cookies only when entered login page without POSTed login information. I modified: (NC dir)/core/templates/login.php
25.09.2020 · Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page) 20.0.0 RC2. ... It seems, that the logger itself is responisble for the endless production of deprication warnings in the logfile. If this could be avoided the problem would be smaller and acceptable. As I am not familiar with the core development, ...
10.09.2019 · Log into Nextcloud (with an admin account), click on the profile icon in the upper-right corner, and click Settings. In the Settings window, click Logging and …
By default, a log file named nextcloud.log will be created in the directory which has been configured by the datadirectory parameter in config/config.php. The desired date format can optionally be defined using the logdateformat parameter in config/config.php .
nextcloud -h or nextcloud --help Displays all command options. The other options are: --logwindow Opens a window displaying log output. --logfile <filename> Write log output to the file specified. To write to stdout, specify - as the filename. --logdir <name> Writes each synchronization log output in a new file in the specified directory.
Nextcloud Talk´s WebRTC handling is still mostly based on the one from the Spreed.ME WebRTC solution. For this reason, all guides about how to configure coTURN for it, applies to Nextcloud Talk too. If you need to use Talk with more than 5-10 users in the same call, you will need the Spreed High Performance Back-end from Nextcloud GmbH.
All log information will be written to a separate log file which can be viewed using the log viewer on your Admin page. By default, a log file named nextcloud.
Nextcloud protokolliert die Daten in der Datei nextcloud.log, die im Stammverzeichnis des Datenverzeichnisses bereitgestellt wird. Optional können Sie dort ein vollständiges Audit-Trail aufzeichnen, sofern die Log-Stufe "Info" eingestellt ist.
Nextcloud server Log File The Nextcloud server also maintains an Nextcloud specific log file. This log file must be enabled through the Nextcloud Administration page. On that page, you can adjust the log level. We recommend that when setting the log file level that you set it to a verbose level like Debug or Info.
All log information will be written to a separate log file which can be viewed using the log viewer on your Admin page. By default, a log file named nextcloud.