27.07.2017 · I wish PostgreSQL in general was better supported. In MariaDB/MySQL you have to mess around with UTF8mb4 if you want 4-byte support, which is default in PostgreSQL UTF8. PostgreSQL feels like a better DB in general. Would be nice if Nextcloud decided to go down that path instead of recommending a less advanced (and IMHO) worse DB.
Jul 30, 2017 · Even though MariaDB/MySQL is the recommended database for Nextcloud according to the Nextcloud documentation, to us PGSQL is the better choice. Thankfully PGSQL works very good with Nextcloud and the only downside is that not all apps are supported, but that’s just a few.
I have been using Nextcloud in a docker setup for over 3 years with MariaDB and did not have any issues regarding database (with the exception of version upgrades, where sometimes I needed to get in the db to fix some compatibility stuff). I have about similar user and data size as you.
MySQL / MariaDB. PostgreSQL. ... A Nextcloud instance configured with PostgreSQL would contain the path to the socket on which the database is running as the hostname, the system username the PHP process is using, and an empty password to access it, …
Jul 27, 2017 · I wish PostgreSQL in general was better supported. In MariaDB/MySQL you have to mess around with UTF8mb4 if you want 4-byte support, which is default in PostgreSQL UTF8. PostgreSQL feels like a better DB in general. Would be nice if Nextcloud decided to go down that path instead of recommending a less advanced (and IMHO) worse DB.
30.07.2017 · We migrated our Nextcloud server to PostgreSQL! For some time now we have developed different types of VMs, and our main focus have always been the Nextcloud VM. As the quality of the VM keeps evolving we also struggle sometimes to get things right. We want the end user to have the best possible Nextcloud experiance, and we are responsible for ...
PostgreSQL vs MariaDB 두 DB의 가장 큰 차이점은 PostgreSQL은 멀티 프로세스 방식이며, MariaDB는 멀티쓰레드 방식을 사용하고 있는것 입니다. 여기서 오는 가장 큰 차이점은 CPU 멀티 코어의 사용여부인데, 멀티 프로세스를 사용하는 PostgreSQL의 경우 복잡한 쿼리나 join의 처리 방식에서 좀 더 뛰어난 성능을 보여 ...
System Properties Comparison MariaDB vs. PostgreSQL. Please select another system to include it in the comparison. Our visitors often compare MariaDB and PostgreSQL with MySQL, MongoDB and Microsoft SQL Server. MySQL application compatible open source RDBMS, enhanced with high availability, security, interoperability and performance capabilities.
I have been using Nextcloud in a docker setup for over 3 years with MariaDB and did not have any issues regarding database (with the exception of version upgrades, where sometimes I needed to get in the db to fix some compatibility stuff). I have about similar user and data size as you.