17.05.2021 · Upgrade NextCloud with the Graphical Web-based Updater App. Go to the NextCloud Settings page, and select the Overview tab on the left sidebar. If a new version is available, then click the Open updater button. Then click the start update button. NextCloud will be put into maintenance mode and prepare itself for upgrade.
20.03.2019 · Wanting to avoid repeating this mistake, I decided to detail the migration process for my future self in this post. Environment-wise both servers aren’t too different: the OS has been updated from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 which means newer versions for most packages. Additionally, I decided to move away from mysql to its open source fork mariadb.
Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync & communication app platform. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars and communicate & collaborate across your devices. You decide what happens with your data, where it is and who can access it!
29.12.2016 · Hey there, I was reading about MariaDB, about if its worth it here and the way to migrate from MySQL by the official guide here. As my system is so far just used by myself and I do not depend too much on it and like to fickle and try, I decided that it’s the best time to switch now, better than later, when I start to share my Nextcloud to friends and family. I just wanted to …
22.07.2019 · Migrate nextcloud v15 with mariadb database to nextcloud v16 with postgresql. If you are running nextcloud v15 with mariadb and want to upgrade from nextcloud version 16, then you have to migrate the database from mariadb to postgresql. echo "This script must be run as root, please type sudo -i and run it again." 1>&2.
I am running Nextcloud with a MariaDB database and honestly.. It's really slow. I'm not happy with the performance at all. I read that switching from MariaDB to Postgresql improves performance massively. I'd love to try it out but i've been using Nextcloud for more than a year and i have data and my configuration in it etc.
27.01.2020 · Greetings, Following an installation tutorial, I am greeted on the NC interface with a warning that I am using a SQLite database. Having created the database through MariaDB I thought it would already be with MySQL… Before going any further, I’d like to convert the database to MySQL. I’ve identified the missing database connector as instructed by the NC Linux …
05.08.2020 · Yes, after the release 10 of MariaDB, things started diverging faster, but even the command to run MariaDB is called `mysql`! So, while you’re here to learn how to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB, I think it’s going to be very interesting to learn where this sudden competitor sprang up from.
13.08.2018 · migrate sqlite to mariadb inside a docker image? I installed the docker-compose example from the nextcloud readme (the base version with apache ) but that one still uses sqlite, although there is created a db docker image as well, but it is not used.