ownCloud vs Nextcloud
owncloud.com › owncloud-vs-nextcloudNextcloud is a fork of the 2016 code base. Since then, the two products developed in different directions. Whereas Nextcloud focuses predominantly on adding extra features at a considerable pace, ownCloud focuses on delivering an enterprise-grade file collaboration platform that supports well-defined open standards to integrate with best-of ...
OwnCube - Admin Cloud Hosting
https://owncube.com/admin_de.htmlAdmin Cloud Hosting. Eine vorinstallierte Nextcloud oder ownCloud Instanz, in der Sie Ihre eigenen Benutzer, Gruppen, Apps, Rechte der User und vieles mehr verwalten können. Setzen Sie Speicherlimits für Ihre Benutzer, teilen Dateien privat oder öffentlich und nutzen zusätzlich über 200 Apps aus dem App Store.
NextCloud vs ownCloud: Which Cloud solution should you choose?
news.gandi.net › en › 2021May 25, 2021 · The 100% free aspect of Nextcloud makes it more attractive than ownCloud. Additionally, Nextcloud continually exends its services by adding new features, unlike ownCloud. The Nextcloud community is also more active than ownCloud’s, which allows it to improve its platform. It seems, then, fair to say that Nextcloud is more promising for the ...
Install – Nextcloud
https://nextcloud.com/installThe Web Installer is the easiest way to install Nextcloud on a web space. It checks the dependencies, downloads Nextcloud from the official server, unpacks it with the right permissions and the right user account. Finally, you will be redirected to the Nextcloud installer. Right-click here and save the file to your computer.