Partners – Nextcloud › de › partnersHKN offers optional 'hybrid' cloud solutions, with an internally, on-premises hosted Nextcloud at the customer working seamlessly with a Nextcloud hosted by HKN. Learn more With more than eight million customer contracts, IONOS is the leading European provider of cloud infrastructure, cloud services and hosting services.
Providers - Nextcloud Hosten Sie Ihre private Cloud bei einem Anbieter dem Sie vertrauen können! Privatanwender oder kleine Unternehmen sind in der Regel am besten mit unseren Simple Signup-Anbietern bedient, entweder mit einem Konto auf einer gemeinsam genutzten Instanz oder einer kleinen, privaten Nextcloud-Installation.
nextcloud.comNextcloud Hub. Nextcloud Hub is the first completely integrated on-premises content collaboration platform on the market, ready for a new generation of users who expect seamless online collaboration capabilities out of the box.
Providers – Nextcloud › de › providersNextcloud-Provider. Hosten Sie Ihre private Cloud bei einem Anbieter dem Sie vertrauen können! Privatanwender oder kleine Unternehmen sind in der Regel am besten mit unseren Simple Signup-Anbietern bedient, entweder mit einem Konto auf einer gemeinsam genutzten Instanz oder einer kleinen, privaten Nextcloud-Installation.
nextcloud/providers - GitFreak Community maintained list of Nextcloud providers. If you quickly want to sign up to a reliable Nextcloud provider that gives at least 2GB of free, unmetered storage (without any time limit), you can use our simple signup program where we select a provider for you based on your location.. Please note that we have no formal relationship with any of these providers and take …
Providers - Nextcloud – Nextcloud Nextcloud providers Private or small business users are usually best served by our Simple Signup providers, either with an account on a shared instance or a small, private Nextcloud setup. Larger teams and organizations find excellent services at one of our certified partners. Private use
Providers – Nextcloud › providersNextcloud providers. Private or small business users are usually best served by our Simple Signup providers, either with an account on a shared instance or a small, private Nextcloud setup. Larger teams and organizations find excellent services at one of our certified partners.
Partners – Nextcloud › partnersSolution providers. If you want to ensure your Nextcloud contributes to your business success, we recommend working locally with one of our partners which have the full backing of Nextcloud GmbH. These partners can help you do a proof of concept and purchase, deploy, optimize and maintain your Nextcloud. If you want to become a partner, see here.
Partners - Nextcloud AG is a Winterthur (Zurich)-based company with 130 employees. Core competencies include consulting, designing, implementing and operating IT infrastructure solutions around Cisco technology, borderless networks, data-center …