WebDAV - Rclone
rclone.org › webdavClick on the settings cog in the bottom right of the page and this will show the WebDAV URL that rclone needs in the config step. It will look something like https://example.com/remote.php/webdav/. Owncloud supports modified times using the X-OC-Mtime header. Nextcloud This is configured in an identical way to Owncloud.
Nextcloud WebDAV URL - Zotero Forums
https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/8254309.09.2021 · In the following examples, you should replace example.com/nextcloud with the URL of your Nextcloud server (omit the directory part if the installation is in the root of your domain), and “USERNAME” with the username of the connecting user. See the webdav url (bottom left, settings) on your Nextcloud.
Nextcloud — DAVx⁵
https://www.davx5.com/tested-with/nextcloudNextcloud is a PHP-based server software to access, share and protect your files, calendars, contacts, communication & more at home and in your enterprise. Nextcloud app (recommended) DAVx⁵ is integrated with the Nextcloud app for Android .
Nextcloud WebDAV URL - Zotero Forums
forums.zotero.org › discussion › 82543Apr 16, 2020 · In the following examples, you should replace example.com/nextcloud with the URL of your Nextcloud server (omit the directory part if the installation is in the root of your domain), and “USERNAME” with the username of the connecting user. See the webdav url (bottom left, settings) on your Nextcloud.