GPO Buying Group Software & Services
www.nxtstp.comNEXTStep Commerce, Inc. is a top provider of Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) cloud software and services. NEXTStep's NXT-Cloud® GPO Commerce Suite supports: accounts administration; b2b document exchange; rebate management; group portals; data analytics and reporting; central billing; draft cart; punchout; and industry marketplaces & web stores.
GPO Buying Group Software & Services
www.nxtstp.comNEXTStep Commerce, Inc. is a top provider of Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) cloud software and services. NEXTStep's NXT-Cloud® GPO Commerce Suite supports: accounts administration; b2b document exchange; rebate management; group portals; data analytics and reporting; central billing; draft cart; punchout; and industry marketplaces & web stores.
Nexstep - EG løser alle prosessene i byggevarebransjen, og har integrasjoner med en rekke tredjepartsløsninger for å sikre gode samhandlingsprosesser med byggebransjen, og andre samarbeidspartnere for byggevarehus.. Digital samhandling Byggebransjen og byggevarehandelen i Norge er i rask utvikling. Med EG, og våre Nexstep-ressurser er vi med på …
About NEXTStep Commerce Inc. - GPO Buying Group Software ... Commerce, Inc. is a cloud computing company offering an enterprise suite of software applications developed specially for group purchasing organizations (GPOs). Our clients are leading buying groups, cooperatives, distribution networks, and loyalty program providers. Our solutions may be tailored-to-fit your specific requirements and budget.