Starting with Linux kernel version 2.6, an fsid value must be specified for each GPFS™ file system that is exported on NFS. For example, the format of the ...
17.09.2014 · A client of mine discovered that he needs to include 'crossmnt' along with his NFS export options. I am going to write the option into our …
crossmnt This option is similar to nohide but it makes it possible for clients to move from the filesystem marked with crossmnt to exported filesystems mounted on it. Thus when a child filesystem "B" is mounted on a parent "A", setting crossmnt on "A" has the same effect as setting "nohide" on B.
crossmnt This option is similar to nohide but it makes it possible for clients to move from the filesystem marked with crossmnt to exported filesystems mounted on it. Thus when a child filesystem "B" is mounted on a parent "A", setting crossmnt on …
For NFSv4, there is a distinguished filesystem which is the root of all exported filesystem. This is specified with fsid=root or fsid=0 both of which mean ...
The fsid=0 signals the NFS server that this export is the root. / *(ro,fsid=0) /home *(rw,sync,nohide). Now with these exports, both " mount server:/home ...
crossmnt This option is similar to nohide but it makes it possible for clients to move from the filesystem marked with crossmnt to exported filesystems mounted ...
/nfs/ *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,fsid=root,crossmnt) /nfs/des1/ *{rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) Having read the man page entry you would think this would have the same effect as the previous code, but when I ran exportfs -rav again to register the changes, then tried to remount from the client and it worked!
Feb 22, 2021 · According to the manpage for the exports file the options available to manage how exports and sub-exports interact are crossmnt, nohide and hide. I have three servers A, B and C where A is the nfs server and B and C are clients. The exports file on A looks like this:
The “crossmnt” export does not propagate “fsid=”, so it will not allow traversing into further nfs filesystems; if you wish to export nfs filesystems mounted under the exported filesystem, you’ll need to export them explicitly, assigning each its own unique “fsid= option.
/nfs/ *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,fsid=root,crossmnt) /nfs/des1/ *{rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) Having read the man page entry you would think this would have the same effect as the previous code, but when I ran exportfs -rav again to register the changes, then tried to remount from the client and it worked!
Sep 17, 2014 · crossmnt - This option is similar to nohide but it makes it possible for clients to move from the filesystem marked with crossmnt to exported filesystems mounted on it. Thus when a child filesystem "B" is mounted on a parent "A", setting crossmnt on "A" has the same effect as setting "nohide" on B.
To apply changes to this file, run exportfs-ra or restart the NFS server. ... the filesystem marked with crossmnt to exported filesystems mounted on it.