WordPress | NGINX
www.nginx.com › resources › wikiWordPress¶. NGINX works perfectly well with a wide variety of applications, and WordPress is certainly one of them. NGINX’s configuration language is very powerful and straightforward if one is familiar with it, but often people coming from other servers are not sure how things work in NGINX and just copy and paste whatever they see from a blog that seems to fill their needs.
Setting Up NGINX - NGINX
https://www.nginx.com/blog/setting-up-nginx31.08.2016 · Configure, scale, and manage NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus instances in your enterprise. NGINX Amplify. Lightweight SaaS monitoring and static analysis for NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus. Pricing. Hourly and annual subscription options with support, professional services, ...
Building nginx from Sources
nginx.org › en › docsBuilding nginx from Sources. The build is configured using the configure command. It defines various aspects of the system, including the methods nginx is allowed to use for connection processing.