Summary of The NHS long term plan - HFMA › online-learning › bitesize-coursesJan 09, 2019 · The NHS long term plan, published in January 2019, aims to make the NHS fit for the future and to get the most value for patients out of every pound of taxpayers’ investment. This briefing summarises the key points included in the Plan. The Plan sets out a range of aims – making sure everyone gets the best start in life, delivering world class care for major health problems and supporting people to age well.
The NHS Long Term Plan – a summary › wp-content › uploadsHealth and care leaders have come together to develop a Long Term Plan to make the NHS fit for the future, and to get the most value for patients out of every pound of taxpayers’ investment. Our plan has been drawn up by those who know the NHS best, including frontline health and care staff, patient groups and other experts. And they have benefited from hearing a wide range of
A summary of The NHS long term plan - HFMA › docs › default-sourceThe NHS long term plan sets out two clear areas for further progress on care quality and outcomes, firstly enabling a strong start in life for children and young people and secondly providing better care for major health conditions. Children and young people represent a third of the population. The Plan sets out measures to
NHS Long Term Plan » Overview and summary › overview-and-summaryOnline version of the NHS Long Term Plan; Overview and summary; Chapter 1: A new service model for the 21st century; Chapter 2: More NHS action on prevention and health inequalities; Chapter 3: Further progress on care quality and outcomes; Chapter 4: NHS staff will get the backing they need; Chapter 5: Digitally-enabled care will go mainstream across the NHS