No Isolation | No Isolation for helsetjenesten. Enkel velferdsteknologi som gir trygghet og livskvalitet for teknologisk uerfarne pasienter. Les mer Forskning. Gjennom forskningssamarbeid retter vi søkelys mot utbredelsen og konsekvensene av ensomhet og effekten av varm teknologi. Se vår forskning Om oss. No Isolation er en norsk startup grunnlagt i 2015.
How do I set up Komp? - No Isolation Support › l › enPlace Komp on a stable surface within reach and at eye height of the user. Plug the power cable (3) into the power outlet and the power cable into Komp. Download Komp from App Store or Google Play. Open the app and press Create user. You will be prompted to add a keyword. The keyword will be displayed on the screen after Komp has been switched on.
Komp - No Isolation › kompKomp | No Isolation Komp From £39/month The one-button computer connecting generations Human contact, love and close relationships are important for everyone, no matter their age or physical abilities. However, with smartphones and social media, social interaction and communication has largely moved from analogue to digital platforms.
Komp - No Isolation | No Isolation Komp From £39/month The one-button computer connecting generations Human contact, love and close relationships are important for everyone, no matter their age or physical abilities. However, with smartphones and social media, social interaction and communication has largely moved from analogue to digital platforms.