No Isolation robot - Word on the Streets › No_Isolation_robotAug 28, 2019 · No Isolation robot. Enables children with long-term illness to virtually attend school, socialise with classmates and remain connected. It becomes their eyes, ears and voice in the classroom. — Word on the Streets (@wotsnet) 28 August 2019 From an article by Noisolation, 28/08/2019
AV1 | No Isolation explained. AV1 is placed on a desk in the classroom, while the child is at home using their device (either a smartphone or tablet). The child can see, hear and be heard in the lesson as AV1 has a camera, microphone and speaker built in. From home, the child controls their AV1, turning its camera to view every corner of the classroom and ...
Forskning | No Isolation › no › researchForskning. No Isolation er en Norsk startup grunnlagt med mål om å redusere ensomhet og sosial isolasjon ved hjelp av varm teknologi og kunnskap. Vi tror at teknologi kan bidra til å løse store samfunnsproblemer om den designes med utgangspunkt i sluttbrukerens behov. Gjennom forskningssamarbeid retter vi et søkelys mot ensomhetsproblemet ...
AV1 | No Isolation › av1AV1 explained. AV1 is placed on a desk in the classroom, while the child is at home using their device (either a smartphone or tablet). The child can see, hear and be heard in the lesson as AV1 has a camera, microphone and speaker built in. From home, the child controls their AV1, turning its camera to view every corner of the classroom and ...