24.02.2018 · ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'polls.apps.PollsConfigdjango'; 'polls.apps ' is not a package. 查看app目录下,apps.py文件和migrations目录都存在. 检查settings.py中INSTALLED_APPS配置,发现新增配置后面忘记写逗号导致,添加逗号后执行正常。 正确配置如下…
29.01.2021 · I am following the tutorial for Django. I am stuck on the last part of the documentation page: resuable_apps. The package/module I want to use is /django-polls/ in /mysite/ When I am trying to make the app pluggable by removing it from the project sub-directory to a directory of the same level something goes wrong. My file hierarchy is as follows: django …
Jul 30, 2021 · Recebo: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'polls'. Revisei o passo a passo e não encontrei a causa. Procurei no site da biblioteca Django, e lá encontrei um trecho citando: from .models import Choice, Question. Mas também não consegui importar desta forma.
Jan 29, 2021 · I am following the tutorial for Django. I am stuck on the last part of the documentation page: resuable_apps. The package/module I want to use is /django-polls/ in /mysite/ When I am trying to make the app pluggable by removing it from the project sub-directory to a directory of the same level something goes wrong. My file hierarchy is as follows: django-polls mysite ./django-polls: LICENSE ...
29.01.2021 · It should be polls.apps.PollsConfig. You are missing the s at the end of “apps”. The dotted path in your INSTALLED_APPS setting needs to correctly point to your django app package, or the app config class inside your python package. You have a package named “polls” which contains a module called “apps” which has a class in it called ...
Feb 18, 2016 · No module named 'polls.apps.PollsConfigdjango' That means that you are missing a comma after 'polls.apps.PollsConfig in your INSTALLED_APPS setting. It should be: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'polls.apps.PollsConfig', 'django....', ... ) The second problem is the warning 'polls.apps' is not a package.
Polls app modified to use site template Apphooks While adding an application ... Caution note that the the module name is cms_apps.py. in previous versions ...
Jul 02, 2011 · I am working on this Django tutorial and am getting this error: "Error: No module named polls" when I type "python manage.py sql polls" in the terminal. I have no clue how to fix this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In tutorial 02, Writing your first Django app, part 2, typing in. INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'polls.apps.PollsConfig', .... will cause an ImportError: No module named 'polls.apps.PollsConfig'; 'polls.apps' is not a package. This is resolved by instead putting.
The poll.pl script determines which poll to present based on the value of the ... specifies the module name and use statements that reference the modules it ...
did you named your project as 'mysite' and your app as 'polls' ... also make sure __init__.py exists inside directory polls (manage.py should create that ).
07.06.2019 · why we create polls/urls.py module in app directory even we can do the whole thing in project's mysite/urls.py? Hot Network Questions Is it natural to use the phrase "run something by someone" in the sense of passing information on to someone?
In tutorial 02, Writing your first Django app, part 2, typing in. INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'polls.apps.PollsConfig', .... will cause an ImportError: No module named 'polls.apps.PollsConfig'; 'polls.apps' is not a package. This is resolved by instead putting.
Adaptive Technologies and Applications Stojanovic, Dragan ... WebML applications (see Figure 1) with a new client-server module, called Context Monitor (CM) ...
Jan 28, 2021 · It should be polls.apps.PollsConfig. You are missing the s at the end of “apps”. The dotted path in your INSTALLED_APPS setting needs to correctly point to your django app package, or the app config class inside your python package. You have a package named “polls” which contains a module called “apps” which has a class in it called ...
python manage.py makemigrations polls. When running this, I get the error: `ImportError: No module named 'polls.apps'. I am using Python 3.5.1 and Django ...