26.11.2021 · hello can anyone help me with this error? I've already imported the package, but I'm still getting this message. python import logging import cx_Oracle from ruxit.api.base_plugin import RemoteBasePlugin logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) json "install_requires": [ "cx_Oracle", "requests>...
Python: Import Cx_Oracle Importerror: No Module Named Cx_Oracle Error Is Thown. This is a list of tools for static code analysis. Contents. 1 Language.
23.01.2018 · ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cx_Oracle' python anaconda spyder. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Jan 24 '18 at 10:19. vindev ... Just run the following command in Anaconda prompt conda install cx_oracle, should work now. I found it here. Share. Improve this answer. Follow
Installing Oracle for Python with Anaconda Python 3.x on WindowsThe process of installing Oracle drivers into Python is complex. To use Python with Oraclethree components must all be inplace and be of
26.08.2014 · Cannot help with Windows related installation issues, but did you try uppercase 'O' in cx_Oracle. [wrong - lowercase 'o'] In [7]: import cx_oracle
What worked instead is plain pip install . pip install cx_oracle. The above command installed cx_oracle=6.1 Please note that I'm using python 2.7.14 Anaconda ...
01.10.2021 · The above command installed cx_oracle=6.1 Please note that I’m using python 2.7.14 Anaconda release and oracle 12c.. Solution 2. Windows and Anaconda help. Anaconda 4.3.0 comes with Python 3.6 as the root. Currently cx_Oracle only supports up to 3.5.