mss · PyPI · from mss import mss # The simplest use, save a screen shot of the 1st monitor with mss as sct: sct. shot (). An ultra fast cross-platform multiple screenshots module in pure python using ctypes. Python 3.5+ and PEP8 compliant, no dependency, thread-safe; very basic, it will grab one screen shot by monitor or a screen shot of all monitors and save it to a PNG file;
pyWinhook · PyPI · Project description. Python wrapper for out-of-context input hooks in Windows. The pyWinhook package provides callbacks for global mouse and keyboard events in Windows. Python applications register event handlers for user input events such as left mouse down, left mouse up, key down, etc. and set the keyboard and/or mouse hook.
mss · PyPI › project › mssOct 31, 2020 · from mss import mss # The simplest use, save a screen shot of the 1st monitor with mss as sct: sct. shot An ultra fast cross-platform multiple screenshots module in pure python using ctypes. Python 3.5+ and PEP8 compliant, no dependency, thread-safe;