How authentication is determined. The authentication schemes are always defined as a list of classes. REST framework will attempt to authenticate with each class in the list, and will set request.user and request.auth using the return value of the first class that successfully authenticates.. If no class authenticates, request.user will be set to an instance of …
12.10.2021 · ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rest_framework'. Mattxxx4. pip3 install djangorestframework. View another examples Add Own solution. Log in, to leave a comment. 3.5. 3. ElHaix 105 points. pip install djangorestframework-jwt.
ImportError: No module named rest_framework.authtoken Normally I would just assume that this is something to do with my PYTHONPATH but I don't think that's exactly what the problem is because I can import this framework from both IDLE and the project's shell run using, the latter both with and without a virtual environment.
24.07.2016 · url (r'^api-token-auth/', 'rest_framework.authtoken.views.obtain_auth_token'), to create an endpoint that returns the token for a user after correctly posting the username and password. It throws this error: ImportError: No module named rest_framework.authtoken. This is strange because DRF is fine with out this line, so it must be included in ...
Whatever answers related to “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ... no module named 'rest_framework_authtoken' · no module named rest_framework_jwt ...
15.07.2021 · ImportError: Could not import 'rest_framework.authentications.SessionAuthentiation' for API setting 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES'. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rest_framework.authentications'. Rest-framework-related parts of my code:
ImportError: No module named rest_framework.authtoken Dette er merkelig fordi DRF er fint med ut denne linjen, så det må tas med i min PYTHONPATH. Jeg har også kjørt python syncdb og de riktige vandringer.
15.07.2021 · When I run python migrate command, I am having the following error: ImportError: Could not import 'rest_framework.authentications.SessionAuthentiation' for API setting 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES'. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rest_framework.authentications'. Rest-framework-related parts of my code: INSTALLED_APPS …