Installation guide — webcolors 1.5 documentation you’ve installed webcolors, you can verify successful installation by opening a Python interpreter and typing import webcolors.. If the installation was successful, you’ll simply get a fresh Python prompt. If you instead see an ImportError, check the configuration of your install tools and your Python import path to ensure webcolors installed into a location Python can …
webcolors · PyPI · webcolors is a module for working with HTML/CSS color definitions.. Support is included for normalizing and converting between the following formats (RGB colorspace only; conversion to/from HSL can be handled by the colorsys module in the Python standard library):. Specification-defined color names
webcolors 1.11.1 — webcolors 1.11.1 documentation 1.11.1¶ This module provides utility functions for working with the color names and color value formats defined by the HTML and CSS specifications for use in documents on the web. Support is included for normalizing and converting between the following formats (RGB colorspace only; conversion to/from HSL can be handled by the colorsys module in the Python …