NOAA Improved Sunrise/Sunset Calculation › grad › solcalcOtherwise, the time zone associated with the selected city's Local Standard Time will be automatically entered. Selecting "Yes" in the Daylight Saving field will cause the resulting sunrise, sunset and solar noon times to be adjusted forward one hour. If you are uncertain of the time zone for a location, refer to our Time Zone Table.
Sunrise & Sunset / Moonrise & Moonset › box › sunmoonTimes corrected for Daylight Savings 2 AM. March 13, 2022 to 2 AM. November 6, 2022. DAY SUN SUN PSBL SUN HOURS CIVIL TWLGT RISE SET MAX SOLAR RISE SET TOTAL CHANGE BEGIN END AZIMUTH ELEV NOON 01 06:19 17:34 11:15 +2:49 05:51 18:02 99.3 260.8 40.2 11:56:16 02 06:18 17:35 11:17 +2:49 05:50 18:03 98.8 261.3 40.6 11:56:04 03 06:16 17:36 11:20 +2 ...
Sunrise and Sunset | nesdis and Sunset. Every day, NOAA satellites can watch the sun rise and set over different parts of the world as the terminator, or the line that divides the daylit area and the dark night side of the world, moves on its daily journey around the planet. Tomorrow, March 20, researchers at the U.S. Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in ...