Nonlinear Differential Equations › ~agodunov › teachingequations to the three equations ÖThe solution of these simple nonlinear equations gave the complicated behavior that has led to the modern interest in chaos xy z dt dz xz x y dt dy y x dt dx 3 8 28 10( ) = − = − + − = − 26 Example 27 Hamiltonian Chaos The Hamiltonian for a particle in a potential for N particles – 3N degrees of freedom
Nonlinear OrdinaryDifferentialEquations › ~olver › ln_equation. Before analyzing the solutions to the nonlinear population model, let us make a pre-liminary change of variables, and set u(t) = N(t)/N⋆, so that u represents the size of the population in proportion to the carrying capacity N⋆. A straightforward computation shows that u(t) satisfies the so-called logistic differential equation du dt