Norges Bank - Wikipedia Bank / Noregs Bank is the central bank of Norway. Apart from having traditional central bank responsibilities such as financial stability and price stability, it manages The Government Pension Fund of Norway, a stabilization fund that may be the world's largest sovereign wealth fund. The limited transparency of some SWFs makes it difficult to make accurate assessments …
Norges Bank
https://www.norges-bank.noNorges Bank er sentralbanken i Norge og skal sikre prisstabilitet og finansiell stabilitet. Banken forvalter også Statens pensjonsfond utland. Norges Bank tilbyr ingen banktjenester til privatpersoner eller foretak.
Norges Bank - Wikipedia › wiki › Norges_BankNorges Bank / Noregs Bank is the central bank of Norway.Apart from having traditional central bank responsibilities such as financial stability and price stability, it manages The Government Pension Fund of Norway, a stabilization fund that may be the world's largest sovereign wealth fund.
Oljefondet › ...Norges Bank har besluttet å sette tre selskaper under observasjon, ... Birgitte Bryne er ansatt som teknologi- og driftsdirektør i Norges Bank Investment ...
Norges Bank › enNorges Bank is the central bank of Norway and shall promote economic stability in Norway. Norges Bank also manages the Government Pension Fund Global. The central bank does not offer any banking services to the general public.